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Forts of Sindh | Sindh Studies / Sindh General Knowledge Sindh Current Affairs HST SST

Sindh Studies/ Sindh General Knowledge Sindh current Affairs for various exams PMS, IBA, STS, NTS, Other SPSC exams.

Forts of Sindh

1) Neeron Kot is in Hyderabad

2) Pakka Qilia is in Hyderabad

3) Pakka Qilla was built by Mian Ghulam Shah Kalhoro

4) Kacha Qilla is in Hyderabad

5) There is Tomb of Syed Muhammad Makki in Kacha Qilla

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6) , Pakka Qilla was built by Mian Ghulam Shah Kalhoro

7) Dalil Kot is in Sakrand, Nawabshah

8) Jaki Bandar jo Kot is in Thatta

9) Killan Kot is in Thatta

10) Umar Kot is in Thark

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11) Umar Kot is named after Umar Soomro, the king of Sindh

12) Unarr Kot was built by Jam Unarr

13) Unarr Kott is in Badin

14) Rato kot is near Bhabcre

15) Ranno Kot is in Mirpur Sakro

16) Kot Dijji Qilla was built by Mir Suhrab Khan

17) It is in Khairpur Miras

18) Qilla Ahmed Abad is old name of Kot Dijji Qilla

19) Rani Kot is near Sann in District, Jamshoro

20) Rani Kot is known as The Great Wall of Sindh

21) Rani Kot is one of the biggest forts of the world

22) There are 3 inner forts in Rani Kot namely Miri Kot, Sher Garh and Mohan Kot

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23) Circumference of Rani Kot is approximately 32km (20miles)

24) Rani Kot is 90 km (56 miles) to the north of Hyderabad on the national Highway

25) Rani Kot was refurbished by Mir Karam Ali Khan Talpur and Mir Murad Ali in 1812 at a cost of 1.2 million rupees

26) Nand Kot is in Jati, Thatta

27) Naon Kot is in Tharr MPK

28) Naon Kot is also known as Fateh Garh ✓

29) Manhori Jo Qillo was built by Mir Karam Ali Khan

30) Manhori jo Qillo is near Karachi

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