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SST Past Papers SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER (BS-16), HST SST Previous Paper 2019 Download PDF Jpeg PNG

            SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER (SST) (BS-16), Past Paper 2019

1.       To impart knowledge or skill to somebody by instruction or example is:

(a) Teaching

(b) Learning

(c) Understanding

(d) None of these

2.       To absorb new ideas into our existing knowledge is called:

(a) Change

(b) Life

(c) Assimilation

(d) None of these

3.       Which teaching technique may be better for elementary students:

(a) Lecture method

(b) Topology

(c) Activity method

(d) None of these

4.       Students are directly involved in experiential learning through:

(a) Assimilation

(b) Lecture method

(c) Simulation

(d) None of these

SST Past Paper (BS-16), 2018 Download Here

5.       Pedagogy means:

(a) Flow

(b) Riding

(c) Diving

(d) None of these

6.       According to Einstein, Imagination is more important than:

(a) Learning

(b) Knowledge

(c) Pushed

(d) None of these

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7.       Trial, error and imitation is a(n) of learning.

(a) Mechanism

(b) Evaluation

(c) Adaptation

 (d) None of these

8.       Evaluation answers the question of__________

(a) How well

(b) How fast

(c) How good

(d) None of these

9.       Measurement answers the question of__________

(a) How much

(b) How fast

(c) How ready

(d) None of these

10.   Which one of the following terms is most inclusive?

(a) Measurement

(b) Testing

(c) Assessment

(d) None of these

11.   Interviews may be conducted to_____adaptive behaviour of candidates.

(a) Verify

(b) Assess

(c) Calculate

(d) None of these

12.   The test developed to measure minimum basic knowledge and skills of the students is called:

(a) Diagnostic test

(b) Mastery test

(c) Survey test

(d) None of these

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13.   A test used to measure many skills with just a few items for each skill is known as:

(a) Standardized test

(b) Survey test

(c) Diagnostic test

(d) None of these

14.   Which of the following has good objectivity of marking?

(a) Subjective test

(b) MCQs

(c) Essay

(d) None of these

15.   The statement of problem in MCQs is called:

(a) Option

(b) Premise

 (c) Stem

(d) None of these

16.   In MCQs, the stem of items should be:

(a) Short

(b) Meaningful

(c) Attractive

(d) None of these

17.   Two students A and B appeared in a test, they achieved 25 and 75 marks, respectively. What is percentile for A?

(a) 25

(b) 45

(c) 50

(d) None of these

18.   An outline of the topics of a subject to be covered in specific time is called:

(a) Syllabus

(b) Course

(c) Curriculum

(d) None of these

19.   IQ of a student having same physical and mental age will be:

(a) 100

(b) 125

(c) Zero

(d) None of these

20.   Which one is most important for change in behaviour?

(a) Environment

(b) Parents

(c) Education

(d) None of these

21.   A sound curriculum must be based on the needs and aspiration of:

(a) Society

(b) School

(c) People

(d) None of these

22.   The effectiveness of the curriculum depends on the interest of the:

(a) Teachers

(b) Learners

 (c) Principles

(d) None of these

23.   Curriculum cannot be built without:

(a) Biology

(b) Zoology

(c) Mathematics

(d) None of these

24.   The most important person in the curriculum implementation process is:

(a) Principal

(b) Student

(c) Teacher

(d) None of these

25.   The highest literacy rate of females in Pakistan is in the province of:

(a) Punjab

(b) Sindh

(c) KPK

(d) None of these

26.   The idea of "Going Back to Nature" is known as:

(a) Realism

(b) Peregrination

(c) Naturalism

(d) None of these

27.   Which branch of philosophy deals with knowledge and its methodology?

(a) Logic

(b) Aesthetics

(c) Epistemology

(d) None of these

28.   Which among the following does not fix into the scheme of educational goals of the idealist?

(a) Beauty

(b) Moral values

(c) Personality Development

(d) None of these

29.   What is called education required without any fixed period and place?

(a) Indirect Education

(b) Informal Education

(c) Direct Education

(d) None of these

30.   The use of technology of enhance learning process is called_____ in education.

(a) IT

(b) ICT

(c) Technology Learning

(d) Communication Technology

31.   Frustration and anxiety produce_____ in an individual.

(a) Success

(b) Tension

(c) Diffusion

(d) None of these

32.   A prolonged tension causes:

(a) Fever

(b) Strain

(c) Stress

(d) None of these

33.   Characteristics of information used to investigate an event are called:

(a) Attributes

(b) Quality

(c) Traits

(d) None of these

34.   Career may be defined as a series of _______that involves a sequence of work.

(a) Lifestyle concerns

(b) Internships

(c) Job

(d) None of these

35.   A scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of students is called:

(a) Rubrics

(b) Checklists

(c) Inventories

(d) None of these

36.   The sum of knowledge, disposition and expertise of the people in an organization is known as:

(a) Human potential

(b) Human capital

(c) Power

(d) None of these

37.   The achievement gained during the career is called:

(a) Success

(b) Accomplishment

(c) Award

(d) None of these

38.   What is meant by the term 'meritocracy'?

(a) To make job appointments on merit

(b) Fraud

(c) Nepotism

(d) None of these

39.   ________is an activity that not only evaluates how people perform but also how activities have been done.

(a) Placement

(b) Orientation

(c) Appraisal

(d) None of these

40.   A choice made between two or more alternatives is called:

(a) Assumption

(b) Reporting

(c) Decision

(d) None of these

41.   _____improves the productive contribution

(a) Physiology

(b) Leadership

(c) Personnel Management

(d) None of these

42.   The growth of organizational needs to be meshed with the

(a) Profit

(b) Individuals

(c) Managerial

(d) None of these

43.   Position power of the principal is limited to:

(a) Teachers

(b) Students

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

44.   The discipline of educational management focuses on:

(a) Money

(b) Men

(c) Technology

(d) None of these

45.   Administrative decision making is assumed to be:

(a) Creative

(b) Certain

(c) Rational

(d) None of these

46.   Which decision making rule tries to equally satisfy both the parties?

(a) Win-win approach

(b) Compromise

(c) Consensus

(d) None of these

47.   The____ violates the unity of command concept.

(a) Democracy

(b) Bureaucracy

(c) Matrix structure

(d) None of these

48.   The school headmaster operates the following administrative functions except:

 (a) Controlling

(b) Coordinating

(c) Staffing

(d) None of these

49.   A_____is a senior employee who sponsors and supports the new employees.

(a) Coach

 (b) Referee

(c) Mentor

(d) None of these

50.   Workplace conflicts may be resolved by the principal using:

(a)Win-Win Approach


(c)Do or die

(d)None of these

Answer key

Consider Q:1 as 51 in answer key


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