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Welcome to the Sarkari Job Guru website which provides you with the best compilation of the Daily Current Affairs 2022 taking place across the globe: National, International, Sports, Science, Economy, Agreement, Appointments, Ranks and Report and General Studies. Sarkari Job Guru has been a fantastic buddy in assisting you in reaching your full potential in terms of knowledge and learning by providing you with the top academic information.

Sarkari Job Guru is one of the most popular Current Affairs and General Knowledge websites in Pakistan for CSS, PMS, Railways, NTS, STS, PTS, IBA, MOD, ISSB, and other state civil services/government job recruitment examinations in Pakistan.

Current Affairs is a major part of the exams like CSS, PMS, Railways, NTS, STS, PTS, IBA, MOD, ISSB etc. Many Govt job aspirants have benefited from our General Knowledge and Current Affairs website now it’s your turn. This is the best current affairs site to find recent updates on Daily Current Affairs not only for competitive exams but also for interviews and updates with the latest information happening in the nation and around the world.

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