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Pakistan Studies / History of Indian History | History of Sub Continent 712-2022


Pakistan Studies/History of Subcontinent 712-2022

1.      All the rulers of sub-continent were Turkish in origin except Muhammad Bin Qasim.

2.      In 1000AD he raided India for the first time.

3.      Mehmood Ghaznavi was son of Sibugtain & known as ‘Kidnappers of Scholars’.

4.      Data Ganj Bux came to India with Mehmood Ghaznavi.

5.      Muhammad of Gaur (Real Name: Muizziddin Sam) was founder of Gaur Dynasty.

6.      He attacked Sindh in 1182.

7.      He lost 1st  Battle of Tarain against Prithvi Raj Chauhan in 1191

8.      He won 2nd Battle of Tarain against Prithvi Raj Chauhan in 1192.

9.      Qutbuddin Aibek was general of Ghauri.

10.  Qutbuddin Aibek founded Slave Dynasty (1206-1290) 1st Dehli Sultanate

11.  Qutbuddin Aibek died while playing Chughan.

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12.  Razia Sultana daughter of Iltmush became 4th  ruler of Slave Dynasty in 1236.

13.  Balban became 9th ruler of Slave Dynasty in 1266 ruled till 1286.

14.  Balban developed Diwan e Areez (Military Department).

15.  Ameer Khusro (Parrot of India) was contemporary of Balban and Alauddin khilji.

16.  Ameer Khusro developed Tabla and Sitar

17.  Jalaluddin Khilji founded Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320) 2nd Dehli Sultanate.

18.  Malik Kafur was general of Alauddin Khilji.

19.  Alauddin Khilji introduced Dewan e Mustakharaj (Revenue Collection).

20.  Ghiyasuddin Tughluq founded Tughluq Dynasty (1320-1414) 3rd Dehli Sultanate.

21.  Feroz Shah Tughluq build network of canals in sub-continent.

22.  Ibn e Batuta travelled India during reign of Muhammad Bin Tughluq.

23.  Taimoor invaded sub-continent in 1398 and handed over rule to Khizer Shah.

24.  Khizer Shah founded Sayyed Dynasty (1414-1451) 4th Dehli Sultanate.

25.  Bahlul Lodhi founded Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526) 5th Dehli Sultanate.

26.  Vasco De Gama first European came to India during regin of Sikandar Lodhi.

27.  Sikandar lodhi built Agra city in 1504.

28.  Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated by Babur in 1st battle of Panipat in 1526.

29.  There were 35 Sultans belonging to 5 Muslim Delhi Sultanate that ruled 320 years.

30.  There were 17 Mughal rulers who ruled Sub-Continent for 331 years (1526-1857)

31.  Babur founded Mughal Empire in 1526 by defeating Ibrahim Lodhi.

32.  Humayun ascended the throne in 1530.

33.  Humayun built Din-e-Panah city.

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34.  Gulbadin Begum & Humayun wrote his biography ‘Humayun Nama’.

35.  Humayun was defeated by Sher Shah Suri in Battle of Chausa 26 June 1539.

36.  Sher Shah Suri founded Sur Dynasty & Mughal Empire was suspended for 15 years (1540-1555). Real name of Sher Shah was Fareed-ud-Din.

37.  Sher Shah Suri introduced coinage system & built GT Road.

38.  Adil Shah the son of Sher Shah Suri was defeated by Akber in 2nd Battle of Panipat 1556.

39.  Bairam Khan was general of Akber & Hemu was general of Adil Shah.

40.  Akber Nama biography of Akber written by Abul Fazal(The Grand Vazir of Akber).

41.  Jhangir was son of Akber and Mariam Zamani.

42.  Akber built Chittor Fort in 1567

43.  Akber built Lahore Fort in 1572

44.  Akber introduced Din-e-Ilahi in 1582.

45.  Jahangir became king in 1605.

46.  Shiekh Ahmed Sirhindi was imprisoned in Fort Gwalior by Jahangir in 1619-1620.

47.  Capt.Hawkins & Thomas Roe, the Britishers came to India during Jahangir rule.

48.  He was contemporary of King James-I.

49.  Jahangir built Moti Mahal in Lahore

50.  Shah Jahan built Moti Mahal in Agra.

51.  Shah Jahan built Wazir Khan mosque in Lahore

52.  Shah Jahan built Mohabbat Khan mosque in Pishawar 1630

53.  Shah Jahan built Taj Mahal on bank of Yumna River.

54.  Shah Jahan built Red Fort in Dehli

55.  Shalimar Bagh in Lahore in 1641.

56.  Aurangzaib defeated his brothers Dara Shikoh & Murad Buksh in Battle of Samugargh in 1658.

57.  Aurangzaib built Badshahhi Mosque in 1673.

58.  Aurangzaib is buried at Khuldabad.

59.  Shah Jahan is buried in Agra.

60.  Jahangir is buried in Lahore.

61.  Akber is buried in Sikandaria

62.  Humayun is buried in Red Fort, Dehli

63.  Babur is buried in Kabul.

64.  Shah Jahan built Peackok Throne

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65.  Muhammad Shah was last king to sit on Peackok Throne stolen by Nadir Shah in 1739.

66.  Ghalib was contemporary of Bahadur Shah Zafar.

67.  Shah Inayat Shaheed was martyred during the reign of Mughal King Farukhssiyar.

68.  East India Company was launched in 1612 during reign of Jahangir.

69.  Lord Mayo was assassinated during his rule.

70.   Lord Clive introduced dual government system in Bengal in 1765

71.  Lord Warren Hasting was 1st Governor General of India

72.  Lord Warren Hasting stopped the pension of Shah Alam II.

73.  Lord Dalhousie ruled from 1848 to 1856

74.  Lord Dallhousie gave the right to Indians to appear in the competitive cxams lor civil services

75.  Lord Rippon ruled from 1880 to 1834.

76.  Hunter Commission was introduced to ameliorate the educational system of Sub Continent by Lord Rippon.

77.  1st Anglo-Afghan War was fought in 1839 to 1342

78.  In 1st Afghan War Ranjit Singh, a Sikh ruler, supported English and captured Peshawar

79.  2nd Anglo-Afghan War took place in 1848.

80.  In 2nd Anglo-Afghan War, 1849, Punjab was annexed by Lord Dalhousie

81.  In 2nd Anglo-Afghan War, wife of Ranjit Singh and his son- Duleep Singh were imprisoned.

82.  Ranjit Singh conquered Punjab in 1799

83.  3rd Anglo-Afghan War was fought in 1919

84.  Dattle of Haldighat was fought in 1576 between Partab Singh and Akbar in Rajasthan

85.  Battle of Plassey was fought on 23 June 1757 between British East India Company and Sirajud Dualah, Nawab of Begal.

86.  Lord Clive was commander of Britishers in the Battle of Plassey

87.  Mir Jafar Ali Khan betrayed Nawab Siraj ud Daulah

88.  Tipu Sultan was martyred at Serigapatam on 4 May 1799 his original name was Sultan Fateh Ali Saheb Tipu. He was titled as Tiger of Mysore.

89.  Black Hole Tragedy happened in June 1756, an event in which 146 the Britishers died of suffocation in small chamber.

90.  Battle of Buxar occurred in 1764 fought between British and Combined forced of Mir Qasim of Bengal, Sirajaudullah and Shah Alam lI of Mughals

91.  1st Anglo-Maysore War occurred in 1766-1769

92.  2nd Anglo-Maysore War occurred in 1780-1784

93.  3rd Anglo-Maysore War occurred in 1789-1792

94.  4th Anglo-Maysore War occurred in 1798-1799

95.  4th Anglo-Maysore War was fought between Lord Wellsely and Tipu Sultan

96.  War of Independence occurred in 10th May 1857

97.  Immediate cause of War of Independence was 'Enfield Cartridge

98.  Mangal Pandey was a sepoy in the 34h Bengal Native Infantry Regiment of the British East India Company.

99.  Dalhousie Proposal was a proposal that imperial title would be discontinued after the death of Bahadur Shah Zafar

100.    Doctrine of Lapse was introduced by Lord Dalhousie in 1856

101.    Outbreak of War of Independence took place in Meerut City in State of UP

102.    Sir Syed Ahmed Khan wrote ' Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind in 1858

103.    War of Independence occurred during the rule of Lord Canning

104.    During the war of independence Sir Syed was working as a Chief Judge in Bijnuar

105.    Sir Syed wrote a pamphlet ‘The Causes of Indian Revolt" in 1858,

106.    Establishment of Gulshan School at Muradabad In 1859

107.    Sir Syed wrote "The loyal Mohammadans of India" in 1860,

108.    Establishment of Victoria School at Ghazipur in 1863.

109.    Establishment of Scientific Society (Translation Bureau) in 1866

110.    Mohamamdan Anglo Oriental School at Aligrah in1875

111.    The MAO school upgraded as a collage in 1827

112.    Sir Syed wrote Tabeenul Kalam" a commentary on the Bible.

113.    Sir Syed wrote "Khutbat c Abmadiya" written in response to Wiliarn Muirs book          Mohammad" which contained highly sacrilegious material,

114.    Establishment of Mohammadan Educational Conference in 886

115.    425, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan is buried at Aligarh Muslim University (1817-1898)

116.    Darululma ceoband was established in 1867 in the sulharanpur district of United Pardesh.

117.    The pioneers of Darululoom Deoband were Moulana Qasim Nantwi, Moulana Fazul ur Rahman & Molana Zulifqar Ali.

118.    Mualan Rashid Ahmed Gamgohi issued a fatwa that Muslims should join Congress.

119.    In 1919 Darululma Deoband founded its political wing named as Jamailtul Ulma Hind.

120.    Nadwatul Ulma was established at Lucknow in 1894.

121.    The founding fathers were Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Kanpuri, Maulana Abdul Haye &    Moulana Ghafoor.

122.    Maulana Shibli Nomani joined Nadwtul Ulma in 1905 & left it 1913.

123.    In December 1895, Indian Natlonal Congress was founded by a retired British Civil Servant Alan Octavian Hume.

124.    The first President of Indian Natlonal Congress was Womesh Chundar Bonnerjee

125.    1st session of Indian National Congress was held at Bombay from December 28 to December 31 in 1885.

126.    Maulana Mohammad Ali Johar, Maulana Albdul Kalam Azad, Motilal Nahru, Jawahirlal Nehru and Gandhi also remained the Presidents of INC.

127.    NWFP is separated from Punjab by the British government in 1901.

128.    Lord Curzon divided Bengal into East Bengal & West Bengal on OCT 16, 1905

129.    In 1905Mohammad Ali Jinnah joins Indian National Congress.

130.    On October 16, 1906 a deputation of Muslims went to meet the Viceroy Lord Minto at Simla with the intention to present some demands led by Sir Agha Khan-ll.

131.    December 30, 1906 at Dacca inn the 20th session of Mohammadan Educational Conference Nawab Salimullah proposed to make the party.

132.    The session was presided over by awab wgar ul Mu

133.    Sir Agha Khan-1l became the first president of All India Muslim League

134.    The first Secretary of the AlML was Massan Bilgranl.

135.    Mohammad All Jolhar wrote the constitution of AIML termad as "Tho Green Book"

136.    The first session of the AIML was held at Karachi on December 31, 1907.

137.    December 12 1911 King George V & Viceroy lord Harding announced the annulment of partition of Bengal.

138.    March 20.1919 Khilafat Committee was set up.

139.    October 27,1919 1919 Khilafat Day was observed.

140.    In 1927-28: Mohammad Ali Jinnah put some demands for the constitutional rights of Muslims are termed as Delhi Muslim proposals.

141.    Simon commission was formed on November 27, 1927,

142.    The Simon Conunission arrived in India in 1928

143.    The report was published in August 1928.

144.    The Nehru report completely rejected the Delhi Muslim proposals and demanded abolishment of Separate electorate System.

145.    In reaction to the Nehru report Jinnah gave his famous 14 points on March 28, 1929 in Dehli.

146.    1st  Round Table Conference: November 12, 1930 to January 19, 1931 at Londan.

147.    Congress had boycotted the 1st RTC and started a Civil disobedience movement.

148.    The prominent figures from Muslim community were Sir Agha Khan-Il, Mohammad Ali Johor, Sir Mohammad Shafi & Mohamamd Ali Jinnah.

149.    On December 29, 1930 in the session of All India Muslim League at Allahabad Allama Iqbal put the demand of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the Sub continent.

150.    On March 5, 1931, a pact was signed between Gandhi & Viceroy Lord Irwin.

151.    2nd Round Table Confrence:September 8, 1931 to December 1, 1931 at London.

152.    Gandhi attended the 2 RTC as the sole representative of Congress.

153.    Gandhi refused to make any comprise until the Muslims accepted the Nehru report

154.    The 2 RTC resulted in an impasse.

155.    The 2nd RTC also failed to resolve the Communal problem.

156.    3rd Round Table Conference: November 17, 1932 to December 24, 1932. Congress did not participate.

157.    Chuadri Rahmat Ali published a pamphlet "Now or Never" in which he talked of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the Sub continent.

158.    On August 17, 1947, the Radcliff award was announced

159.    1st Constituent Assembly of Pakistan consisted of 79 members.

160.    Quaid Azam was the President of the 1st Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

161.    Molvi Tameezudin was the speaker of the 1st constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

162.    Quaid Azam became the 1st Governor General of Pakistan,

163.    Liaqat Ali Khan became the 1st PM of Pakistan,

164.    The cabinet consisted of 7 members including the PM.

165.    Besides the PM, Liaqat Ali Khan had the portfolio of Defense & Commonwealth.

166.    Quaid Azam had the portfolio of State &Frontier region.

167.    I.I. Chandigarh had portfolio of Trade, Industry & Public works,

168.    Malik Ghulam Mohammad was the Finance Minister.

169.    Raja Ghaznafar had the portfolio of Food, Agriculture . Health.

170.    Abdur Rab Nishter was Minster for communication.

171.    Fazul Rehman had portfolio of Internal Affairs, Information & Education.

172.    Jogendra Nath Mandlal was Law minister.

173.    In December, 1947 Mr. Zafarullah sworn in as the 1st  Foreign Minister of Pakistan.

174.    Ghulam Mustafa Hamdani was the first person to announce on Radio in Urdu “Ye Pakistan Broadcasing service hy".

175.    The population of Pakistan at the time of its birth was 32 milon.

176.    The US embassy at Karachi was established on August 15, 1947.

177.    Paul H. Alling was the 1st  US ambassador to Pakistan appointed on September 20, 1947,

178.    Pakistan became the member of the UNO on September 30, 1947

179.    National anthem of Pakistan was written by Hafiz Jalindhr.

180.    The Music of the National anthem was composed by Ahmed Chaghla,

181.    The total duration of the National Anthem of Pakistan is,80 seconds

182.     The National anthem of Pakistan was first time played on/August 13, 1955 in front of Shah Raza Pehlvi of Iran.

183.    The flag of Pakistan was designed by Ameerudin Qudwai.

184.    The first country to recognize Pakistan was Iran.

185.    On September 2, 1947 the 1st Pakistani film was released "Teri Yaaad

186.    On October 27, 1947 Pakistan observed the Black day in reaction to Indian occupation of Kashmir.

187.    The postal stamps of Pakistan were made available in the post offices from October 6, 1947.

188.    Pakistan issued its 1 coin orJanuary 3, 1948.

189.    Pakistan recognized China in 1949.

190.    OnApril 08, 1950 Liaqat Nehru pact was signed. It was about ending the migration process andprotecting the rights of minorities in both the countries.

191.    Pakistan adopted its standard time on October 1, 1951.

192.    The 1st population census took place in Pakistan in 1951.

193.    Sui Gas was found in 1952.

194.    Pakistan got the status of a test Cricket team in/1952.

195.    On September 7/1958 Pakistan purchased Gawadar &Jeewni from Oman after the negotiations of 4 years.

196.    The First Chief Justice of the apex court of Pakistan was Justice Abdur Rashid.

197.    The 1st Commander in Chief of Pakistan Army was General Frank Walter Messervy.

198.    The 1st Commander in Chief of Pakistan Navy was Admiral James Wilfred.

199.    The 1st Commander in Chief of Pakistan Air Force was Air Martial L. Parry Cane.

200.    The 1st captain of Pakistan Cricket team was Hafiz Karadar.

201.    The 1st Governor of Punjab was Sir Frances Moudi.

202.    The 1st CM of Punjab v/as Nawab Iftkhar Hussain Mamdoot

203.    The 1st Governor of SIndh was Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah

204.    The 1st CM of SIndh was Mohammad Ayoob Khohro.

205.    The 1st Governor of KPK was George Cunningham.

206.    The 1st CM of KPK was Khan Abdul Qayoom Khan

207.    The 1st Governor of East Pakistan was Sir Frederick Chalmers Bourne

208.    The 1st CM of East Pakistan was Khuwaja Nazimuddin.

209.    The 1st Governor Balochistan was General Riaz Hussain.(1970)

210.    The 1st CM of Balochistan was Sardar Attaullah Mengal.(1970)

211.    September 11, 1948 Quaid Azam died.

212.    The funeral prayer of Jinnah was led by Shabir Ahmed Usmani.

213.    September 14, 1948 Khuwaja Nazimuudin becomes the 2nd GG of Pakistan.

214.    March 12, 1949 the Objective Resolution is passed from the Constituent Assembly

215.    16 October, 1951 Liaqat Ali Khan is assassinated by a Syed Akbarat Liaqat Bagh Rawalpindi during a public gathering.

216.    Malik Ghulam Mohamamd becomes the 3rd  Governor General & Khuwaja Nazimuddin becomes the 2nd  PM of Pakistan.

217.    April 17, 1953 Malik Ghulam Mohamamd dismisses the PM Nazimuddin & Mohamamd Ali Bogra become the 3rd  PM of Pakistan,

218.    In August 1955, Malik Ghulam Mohammad becomes ill and Iskandar Mirza takes as an acting GG and continues it.

219.    Iskandar Mirza dismisses the PM Bogra & Chuadri Mohammad Ali becomes the 4th  PM of Pakisten.

220.    On September 30, 1955, the One Unit bill is passed from the Assembly.

221.    On October 5, 1955One Unit policy is implemented in Pakistan.

222.    The capital of the East Pakistan is Dacca & that of the West Pakistan is Lahore

223.    The constitution was proclaimed on 23 March, 1956

224.    1956 Chaudhry Mohammad Ali resigns & Hussain Shaheed Sahrwardy becomes 5th  PM of Pakistan.

225.    Dec l7, 1957, 1skandar Mirza dismisses Hussain Shaheed Sahrwardi & makes I.I. Chundrigarh the 6th PM of Pakistan.

226.    On December 16, 1957, Iskandar Mirza dismisses 1.1 Chandigarh and makes Feroz Khan Noon 7th PM of Pakistan.

227.    On October 7, 1958, Iskandar Mirza imposes the martial law and makes Ayoob Khan the chief Martial Law Administrator.

228.    On October 24, 19581skandar Mirza appoints Ayoob Khan as the PM Of Pakistan,

229.    On October 27, 1958, Ayoob Khan takes over the affairs of the country and forces Mirza to resign & he later resigns.

230.    On October 26, 1959, the Basic democracy system was introduced by Ayub Khan.

231.    On February 17, 1959, the 80,000 basic democrats gave vote of confidence to Ayub and he was confirmed as the President.

232.    Nov 26, 1964 PTV started transmission (1976 Color Transmission)

233.    On July 5, 1977, Zia imposes martial law and abrogates the constitution.

234.    Jan 10, 196 Tashkent Declaration signed

235.    March 25, 1969 Ayub imposed Martial law. Resigns and transfer power to Yahya Khan.

236.    March 31, 1970 Legal Framework Order

237.    Dec 4, 1971 India attacked the East Pakistan

238.    Dec 6, 1971 India declared the East Pakistan as Bangladesh.

239.    Dec 20, 1971 Yahya resigned and Bhutto took over as president and appointed Noor ul Amin as Vice President of Pakistan

240.    Dec 21, 1971 Republic of Bngladesh officially declared.

241.    April 21, 1972, ZA Bhutto lifts Martial Law

242.    July 2, 1972, Simla Agreement

243.    August 14, 1973 Constitutionof 1973 proclaimed.

244.    In September 1978, Zla becomes the President by replacing Chuadri Fazal Elahi.

245.    April 4, 1979, ZA Bhutto hanged.

246.    February 10, 1979, Huddod ordinance is introduced.

247.    June 21, 1979 Zakat & Ushar ordinance is introduced.

248.    In 1980, the Federal Shariat court was established.

249.    1985 General elections Nonparty basis

250.    M Khan Junejo becomes the PM.

251.    October 18, 1985, the 8amendment is passed by the NA.

252.    December 30, 1985 martial law is lifted & 1973 constitution restored.

253.    On May 29, 1988 Zia dismisses the PM & dissolves the Assemblies.

254.    August 17, 1988 Zia dies in an air crash which took off from the/Bahawalpur airport at about 4:30 Pm.

255.    On board the C-130 plane were a total of 31 people, including the President of Pakistan General Zia ul Haq and the US ambassador to Pakistan Arnold Raphel.

256.    As a result Zia's death, Ghulam Ishaque khan being the Senate chairman took over as the acting president of Pakistan.


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