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What is Preposition? Uses of Preposition | Words Followed by Preposition Types of Preposition



What is Preposition?


Certain Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Participles are always followed by particular Prepositions. Read the following sentences, noting appropriate Prepositions.

1.     Faisalabad is famous for its textiles.

2.     The goat subsists on the coarsest of food.

3.     Saleem is fond of children.

4.     Pakistan is a noble, gorgeous land, teeming with natural wealth.

5.     Being apprised of our approach, the whole neighborhood came out to meet their minister.

6.     In the classical age the ideal life of the Brahman was divided into four stages or ashrams.

7.     It is natural in every man to wish for distinction.

8.     He was endowed with gifts fitted to win eminence in any field of human activity.

9.     The writer is evidently enamoured of the subject.

10.                        These computers are cheap enough to be accessible to most people.

11.                        Ambition does not always conduce to ultimate happiness.

12.                        The true gentleman is courteous and affable to his neighbours..

13.                        Newly acquired freedom is sometimes liable to abuse

14.                        Little Jack proved quite a match for the giant.

15.                        Camels are peculiarly adapted to life in the desert.

16.                        He is a man of deep learning, but totally ignorant of life and manners.

17.                        The income derived from the ownership of land is commonly called rent.

18.                        The Moors were famous for their learning and their skill in all kinds of industries.

19.                        Alexander profited by the dissensions of the Punjab Rajas!

20.                        Few things are impossible for diligence and skill.

21.                        I am indebted to you for your help.

22.                        Asheka, although tolerant of competing creeds, was personally an ardent Buddhist.

23.                        The celebrated grammarian Patanjall was a contemporary of Pushyamitra Sunga.

24.                        The African elephant is now confined to Central Africa.

25.                        Ivory readily adapts itself to the carver's art.

26.                        Coleridge's poetry is remarkable for the perfection of its execution.

27.                        The holy tree is associated with scenes of goodwill and rejoicing

28.                        The noise from downstairs prevented me from sleeping.

29.                        I am already acquainted with the latest developments of the situation,

30.                        His duties were of a kind ill-suited to his ardent and daring character.

31.                        Man is entirely different from other animals in the utter helplessness of his babyhood.

32.                        A residence of eight years in Sri Lanka had inured his system to the tropical cilimate)

33.                        The ancient Greeks, though born in a warm climate, seem to have been much addicted to the bottle.

34.                        He (Dr. Johnson) was somewhat susceptible to flattery

35.                        A man wh0 always connives at the faults of his children is their worst enemy.

36.                        Naples was then destitute of what are now, perhaps, its chief attractions

37.                        The cat appears to have originated in Egypt or in the East.

38.                        Judged by its results the policy of Hastings was eminently successful.

39.                        In his work Charak often hints at the value of sweet oil.

40.                        There is still no cure for the common cold.

41.                        It was formerly supposed that malaria was due to poisonous exhalations.

42.                        People who are averse to hard work, generally do not succeed in lfe

43.                        Buddhism teaches that freedom from desires will lead to escape from suffering.



More Prepositional expressions:

Afflicted with leprosy; sanguine of success; commit to memory; specific for malaria; allowance for short Weight, appropriate to the occasion; abstain from animal food ;antipathy to dogs; convulsed with laughter; contrary to expectation ; infested with vermin : touched with pity: subversive of discipline ; beneficial to health; tantamount to a refusal: worthy of praise; beset with difficulties accountable to God ; atone for misdeeds; addicted to opium; entitled to consideration; heedless of consequences; deaf to entreaties aptitude for business; incentive to hard work; sensitive to criticism; indifferent to praise or blame.




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