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Most Repeated Abbreviations Commonly used Abbreviations FPSC SPSC NTS HST SST



Most Repeated MCQs on Abbreviations 

1. ABC is the abbreviation of

(a) American Broadcasting Company

(b) Asia Badminton Confederation

(c) Audit Bureau of Circulation

(d) All of them

2. ABM is the abbreviation of

(a) Anti Ballistic Missiles

(b) Anti Bomb Missiles

(c) All Bomb Missiles

(d) None of these

3. AC is the abbreviation of

(a) Alternating Current

(b) Assistant Commissioner

(c) Ante Christum (before Christ)

(d) All of them


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4. ACR is the abbreviation of

(a) All Confidential Report

(b) Annual Confidential Report

(c) Aggregate Confidential Report

(d) Annual Confidential Research

5. ADBP is the abbreviation of

(a) Arian Development Bank of Pakistan

(b) Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan

(c) Agricultural Development Bureau of Pakistan

(d) Alternate Development Bank of Pakistan SIBU

6. ADC is the abbreviation of

(a) Aide-de-Camp

b) Agricultural Development Corporation

(c) Additional Deputy Commissioner

(d) All of them

7. ADP is the abbreviation of

(a) Annual Development Programme

(b) Aggregate Development Programme

(c) All Development Programme

(d) Annual Development Plan

8. AFTA is the abbreviation of

(a) Asian Free Trade Area

(b) Agricultural Finance Trust Association

(c) Asian Free Travelling Area

(d) Alliance Free Trade Area

9. AG is the abbreviation of

(a) Accountant General

(b) Advocate General

(c) Both of them

(d) None of them

10. AIDS is the abbreviation of

(a) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

(b) Acquired Immunal Deficiency System

(c) Already Immunal Deficiency Syndrome

(d) Acquired Immunal Dead Syndrome

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11. AL is the abbreviation of

(a) Arab League

(b) American League

(c) Asian League 

(d) Allied League

12. APEC is the abbreviation of

(a) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

(b) American Pacific Economic Cooperation

(c) Asian-Pacific Eastern Cooperation

(d) Asia-Pacific Economic Coordination

13. APNS is the abbreviation of

(a) Association of Pakistan Newspaper Society

(b) All Pakistan Newspaper Society

(c) American Press Newspaper Society

(d) All Pakistan National Society

14. APP is the abbreviation of

(a) Association Press of Pakistan

(b) Associated Press of Pakistan

(c) Allied Press of Pakistan

(d) Association of Peoples of Pakistan

15. ASEAN is the abbreviation of

(a) Alliance of South East Asia Nations

(b) Association of South East Asia Nations

(c) All South East Asia Nations

(d) African South East Asia Nations

16. ASF is the abbreviation of

(a) Airways Security Force

(b) Airport Security Force

(c) Airport Society Force

(d) Airport Security Fighters

17. ATP is the abbreviation of

(a) All to Practical

(b) Associated Trust of Pakistan

(c) Alternate to Practical

(d) None of these

18. AWACS is the abbreviation of

(a) Airborne Warning and Control System

(b) Airwarning and Control System

(c) Airborne Warning and Communication System

(d) Airborne Warning and Control Survey

19. BBC is the abbreviation of

(a) British Broadcasting Corporation

(b) Basic Broadcasting Corporation

(c) British Broadcasting Communication

(d) Basic British Corporation

20. BE is the abbreviation of

(a) Bill of Entry

(b) Bill of Exchange 

(c) Bachelor of Engineering

(d) All of them

21. BENELUX is the abbreviation of

(a) Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg

(b) Britain, Netherlands and Luxembourg

(c) Britain, Netherlands and Luxembourg

(d) None of thes

22. BHU is the abbreviation of

(a) Basic Health Uni 

(b) Base Health Unit

(c) Basic Healing Unit 

(d) Basic Human Unit

23. BPS is the abbreviation of

(a) Basic Pay Scale

(b) Basic Payment Scale

(c) Basic Payment Scale

(d) None of these

24. BTU is the abbreviation of

(a) British Thermal Unit

(b) Basic Thermal Unit

(c) British Total Unit

(d) British Thermal Union

25. CARS is the abbreviation of

(a) Central Asian Republics

(b) Coordinated Asian Republics

(c) Central African Republics

(d) Central American Republics

26. CBA is the abbreviation of

(a) Collective Bargaining Agent

(b) Called Bargaining Agent

(c) Common Bargaining Agent

(d) Collective Bargaining Agency

27. CBMs is the abbreviation of

(a) Coordinated Building Stands

(b) Confidence Building Measures

(c) Confidential Basic Measures

(d) Confidence Building Means

28. CE is the abbreviation of

(a) Chief Executive

(b) Chief Engineer

(c) Council of Europe 

(d) All of them

29. CED is the abbreviation of

(a) Collective Excise Duty

(b) Common Excise Duty

(c) Central Excise Duty

(d) Central Executive Duty

30. CENTO is the abbreviation of

(a) Common Treaty Organization

(b) Central Treaty Organization

(c) Central Transport Organization

(d) Central Team Organization

31. CEO is the abbreviation of

(a) Common Executive Officer

(b) Central Executive Officer

(c) Chief Evaluation Officer

(d) Chief Executive Officer

32. CHASNUPP is the abbreviation of -

(a) Chashma Nuclear Power Plant

(b) China Nuclear Power Plant

(c) Chagai Nuclear Power Plant

(d) Chashma Nuclear Power Parity

33. CIA is the abbreviation of

(a) Central Intelligence Agency (USA)

(b) Crimes Investigation Agency (Pakistan)

(c) Both of them

(d) None of them

34. CIS is the abbreviation of

(a) Commonwealth of Italian States

(b) Commonwealth of International sub-states

(c) Commonwealth of Independent States

(d) None of these

35. CLI is the abbreviation of

(a) Caller's Line Identification

(b) Common Line Identification

(c) Caller's Life Identification

(d) Caller's Line Information

36. CNG is the abbreviation of

(a) Compressed Natural Gas

(b) Common Natural Gas

(c) Compressed Neutral Gas

(d) Compressed Natural Gasoline

37. CNN is the abbreviation of

(a) Common News Network

(b) Cable News Network

(c) Cable National Network

(d) Cable Natural Network

38. CPC is the abbreviation of

(a) Common Procedure Code

(b) Civil Procedure Code

(c) Civil Pakistan Code

(d) Communication

39. CPI is the abbreviation of

(a) Common Price Index

(b) Consumer Price Index

(c) Cancelled Price Index

(d) Consumer Price Information

40. CPNE is the abbreviation of

(a) Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors

(b) Cooperation of Pakistan Newspaper Editors

(c) Council of Punjab Newspaper Editors

(d) Council of Pakistan Newspaper Elites

41. CSS is the abbreviation of

(a) Central Superior Services

(b) Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics

(c) Both of them

(d) None of them

42. CTBT is the abbreviation of

(a) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

(b) Complete Test Ban Treaty

(c) Comprehensive Test Basic Treaty

(d) Comprehensive Test Ban Terms

43. DCO is the abbreviation of

(a) District Coordination Officer

(b) Director Coordination Officer

(c) Deputy Coordination Officer

(d) District Common Officerids

44. DNA is the abbreviation of

(a) Double Nucleic Acid

(b) Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acid

(c) Deoxyribo Normal Acid

(d) Deoxyribo-nucleic Association

45. DVD is the abbreviation of

(a) Dynamic Versatile DiscG

(b) Dynamic Vehicle Disc

(c) Dynamic Vehicle Demo

(d) Demo Vehicle Disc

46. E & OE is the abbreviation of

(a) Errors and Omissions Excepted

(b) Entries and Omissions Excepted

(c) Errors and Ommissions Accepted

(d) Entries and Omissions Expelled


47. ECG is the abbreviation of

(a) Electric Cardio Gram

(b) Electro-Cardio Gram

(c) Electronic Cardio Gram

(d) Electronic Cardio Groom

48. ECL is the abbreviation of

(a) Entry Control List 

(b) Entry Combine List

(c) Entry Combine Loss

(d) Exit Control List

49. ECO is the abbreviation of

(a) East Cooperation Organization

(b) Economic Coordination Organization

(c) Economic Cooperation Organization

(d) Economic Common Organization

50. EPB is the abbreviation of

(a) Export Promotion Bureau

(b) Energy Promotion Bureau

(c) Export Promotion Board

(d) Export Promotion Bank

51. EFTA is the abbreviation of

(a) Eastern Free Trade Association

(b) European Finance Trade Association

(c) European Free Trade Association

(d) European Free Trade Alliance

52. ENT is the abbreviation of

(a) Eyes, Nose and Throat

(b) Ear, Nose and Throat

(c) Ear, Neck and Throat

(d) Ear, Nose and Trunk

53. EPA is the abbreviation of

(a) Environmental Protection Agency

(b) Export Protection Agency

(c) Environmental Promotion Agency

(d) Environmental Protection Alliance

54. FANA is the abbreviation of

(a) Federally Administered Northern Areas

(b) Favoured Administered Northern Areas

(c) Federal Allied Northern Areas

(d) Federal Alliance Northern Areas

55. FATA is the abbreviation of

 (a) Favoured Administered Tribal Areas

(b) Federally Administered Tribal Areas

(c) Federally Administered Turkish Areas

(d) Federally Administered Treatise Areas

56. FBI is the abbreviation of

(a) Federal Board of Investigation

(b) Federal Bureau of Investigation

(c) Federal Bank of Investigational UTB AS

(d) None of these in arms T

57. FCPS is the abbreviation of

(a) Fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons

(b) Fellow of the Russian College of Physicians and Surgeons

(c) Fellow of the Royal Community of Physicians and Surgeons

(d) Fellow of the Royal College of Physics and Surgeons

58. FDI is the abbreviation of

(a) Foreign Direct Investment

(b) Fixed Direct Investment

(c) Both of them

(d) None of them

59. FIR is the abbreviation of

(a) First Information Report

(b) Final Information Report

(c) Fundamental Information Report

(d) Final Information Record

60. FMCT is the abbreviation of

(a) Fossl Material Cul-off Treaty

(b) Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty

(c) Fissile Cure-off Troaty

(d) Fissile Material Cul-off Terms

61. FRCS is the abbreviation of

(a) Follower of the Royal Collego of Surgeons

(b) Follow of the Royal College of Surgeons

(c) Fellow of the Russian College of Surgeons

(d) Fellow of the Royal Commune of Surgeons

62. GST is the abbreviation of

(a) Grand Sales Tax

(b) General Super Tax

(c) General Super Terms

(d) General Sales Tax

63. GCC is the abbreviation of -

(a) Gallop Cooperation Council

(b) Gulf Cooperation Council

(c) Gun Cooperation Council

(d) Gulf Countries Council

64. GDP is the abbreviation of

(a) Gross Domestic Product

(b) General Domestic Product

(c) Gross Domestic Parity

(d) Gross Domestic Power

65. GMAT is the abbreviation of

(a) Graduate Management Admission Test

(b) General Management Admission Test

(c) Graduate Medical Admission Test

(d) Graduate Medical Admission Treaty

66. GNP is the abbreviation of -

(a) General National Product

(b) Gross Natural Product

(c) Gross National Product

(d) Gross National Parity

67. GRE is the abbreviation of-

(a) General Record Examination

(b) Graduate Record Examination

(C) Graduate Reading Examination

(d) Graduate Record Entry

68. HBFC is the abbreviation of

(a) Home Building Finance Corporation

(b) House Building Finance Corporation

(C) House Base Finance Corporation

(d) House Building Finance Consumer

69. HDI is the abbreviation of

(a) Human Development Index

(b) Heavy Development inuex

(c) High Development Index

(d) Human Desires Index

70. HIV is the abbreviation of -

(a) Human Immunal Virus

(b) Hired Internal Virus

(c) Hire Immunal Vein

(d) Human Immunodeficiency Virus

71. HR is the abbreviation of

(a) House of Representatives

(b) Human Resources

(c) Human Rights

(d) All of these

72. IAEA is the abbreviation of

(a) Initial Atomic Energy Agency

(b) International Atomic Energy Agency

(c) Internal Atomic Energy Agency

(d) International Association Energy Agency

73. IBRD is the abbreviation of

(a) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

(b) Internal Bank of Reconstruction and Development

(c) International Bureau for Reconstruction and Development

(d) International Bank for Reorganization and Development

74. ICBM is the abbreviation of

(a) Internal Continental ballistic Missile

(b) Inter Country Ballistic Missile

(c) Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile al

(d) Inter-Continental Ballistic Market

75. ICJ is the abbreviation of

(a) International Court of Justice

(b) Internal Court of Justice

(c) International Cooperation for Justice

(d) International Court of Jurists

76. ICU is the abbreviation of. 

(a) Internal Care Unit

(b)Intensive Care Unit

(c) Initial Care Unit

(d) Intensive Cardio Unit

77. IFC is the abbreviation of

(a) International Finance Corporation

(b) Internal Finance Corporation 

(c) Initial Finance Corporation

(d) Initial Favoured Corporation

78. ILO is the abbreviation of

(a) Inter Labour Organization 

(b) International Lawyers Organization 

(c) International Legal Organization 

(d) International Labour Organization

79. IMF is the abbreviation of

(a) Internal Monetary Fund Mine

(b) Initial Monetary Fundalou mets (b)

(c) International Monetary Finance Tax .00

(d) International Monetary Fund

80. INTERPOL is the abbreviation of

(a) International Criminal Police Organization

(b) Indian Criminal Police Organization

(c) None of these

(d) Both of these

81. IRA is the abbreviation of

(a) Indian Republic Army

(b) Irish Reaction Army

(c) Irish Red Army

(d) Irish Republic Army

82. IRBM is the abbreviation of

(a) Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile

(b) International Range Ballistic Missile

(c) International Royal Ballistic Missile

(d) International Range Ballistic Missile

83. P.O.N.M. stands for:-

(a) Processing of Nuclear Material

(b) Pakistan Organization of Nuclear Management

(c) Pakistan Oppressed Nations Movement

(d) None of the above

84. ISI is the abbreviation of

(a) International Services Intelligence

(b) Inter Superior Intelligence

(c) Inter Services Intelligence

(d) Ideology Superior Intelligence

85. ISO is the abbreviation of

(a) International Standardisation Organization

(b) Internal Standardisation Organization

(c) Information Standardisation Organization

(d) International States Organization

86. ISPR is the abbreviation of

(a) Internal Services Public Relations

(b) Inter Services Public Relations

(c) Inter Services Provincial Relations

(d) Inter Services Public Record

87. ISPS is the abbreviation of

(a) Infrastructure Service Providers

(b) Internet Services Providers

(c) Internet Service Power

(d) None of these

88. JKLF is the abbreviation of

(a) Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front

(b) Jammu and Kashmir Loyal Front

(c) Jammu and Kashmir Liberty Front

(d) Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Federation

89. KANUPP is the abbreviation of

(a) Kalam Nuclear Power Plant

(b) Korean Nuclear Power Plant

(c) Karachi Nuclear Power Plant

(d) Kalam Nuclear Planning Plant

90. KPT is the abbreviation of

(a) Karachi Port Trust

(b) Khost Port Trust

(c) Karachi Paper Trust

(d) Karachi Port Traders

91. LAN is the abbreviation of -

(a) Local Area Network

(b) Long Area Network

(c) Legal Area Network

(d) Legal Area News

92. LASER is the abbreviation of -

(a) Leg Amputation by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

(b) Light Amputation by Systematic Emission of Radiation

(c)Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

(d) Light Amputation by Stimulated Exit of Radiation

93. LIBOR is the abbreviation of -

(a) Longterm Inter Bank Offer Rate

(b) London Inter Bank Offer Rate

(c) London Inter Business Offer Rate

(d) London Inter Bank Offer Ratio

94. LOC is the abbreviation of-

(a) Line of Consumption

(b) Line of Control

(d) Line of Commons

(c) Line of Cut

95. LPG is the abbreviation of -

(a) Liquefied Petroleum Gas

(b) Light Petroleum Gas

(c) Lower Petroleum Gas

(d) Light Petroleum Gasoline

96. LTTE is the abbreviation of -

(a) Legal Tigers of Tamil Ealam

(6) Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

(c) Both of them

(d) None of these

97. MAD is the abbreviation of -

(a) Mutual Alliance for Destruction

(b) Masterly Assured Destruction

(c) Manually Assured Disease

(d) Mutually Assured Destruction

98. MBA is the abbreviation of

(a) Member of Business Administration

(b) Master of Business Administration

(c) Master of Basic Administration

(d) Member of Basic Admission

99. MBBS is the abbreviation of

(a) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

(b) Basics of Medicine and Basics of Surgery

(c) Basics of Medical and Basics of Surgery

(d) None of these

100. MCAT is the abbreviation of

(a) Medical College Admission Test

(b) Musical College Admission Test

(c) Medical Collection Admission Test

(d) Medical Collection Admission Treaty

101. MCL is the abbreviation of

(a) Municipal Corporation Lahore

(b) Metropolitan Council Lahore

(c) Metropolitan Corporation Lahore

(d) Metropolitan College Lahore

102. MFN is the abbreviation of

(a) Multi Favoured Nation

(b) Mass Favoured Nation

(c) Most Favoured Nation

(d) Most Frustrated Nation

103. MRBM is the abbreviation of

(a) Medium Range Ballistic Missile

(b) Multi Range Ballistic Missile

(c) Mega Range Ballistic Missile

(d) Mega Range Bomb Missile

104. NAB is the abbreviation of

(a) Net Accountably Bureau

(b) National Accommodation Bureau

(c) National Accountability Board

(d)National Accountability Bureau

105. NADRA is the abbreviation of

(a) Natural Database and Registration Authority

(b) National Database and Registration Authority

(c) National Database and Registration Association

(d) National Database and Registration Agency

106. NAM is the abbreviation of

(a) National Aligned Movement

(b) Non-Aligned Movement

(c) Non-Aligned Members

(d) Non-Aligned Medicine

107. NASA is the abbreviation of

(a) National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(b) Natural Aeronautics and Space Administration

(c) Natural Administration and Space Administration

(d) Natural Administration and Space Agency

108. NATO is the abbreviation of

(a) North Asian Treaty Organization

(b) North America Treaty Organization

(c) North America Trade Organization

(d) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

109. NCA is the abbreviation of

(a) National College of Arts

(b) Nuclear Command Authority

(c) Both of them

(d) None of these

110. NEPRA is the abbreviation of

(a) National Electric Power Regulatory Authority

(b) Natural Electric Power Regulatory Authority

(c) National Electric Power Regulatory Agency

(d) National Electric Power Regulatory Association

111. NESPAK is the abbreviation of

(a) New Engineering Services of Pakistan

(b) Newly Engineering Services of Pakistan

(c) National Engineering Services of Punjab

(d) National Engineering Services of Pakistan

112. NGO is the abbreviation of

(a) National Government Organization

(b) Non-Governmental Organization

(c) New Governmental Organization

(d) None of these

113. NHA is the abbreviation of

(a) Natural Highway Authority

(b) National Highway Authority

(c) New Highway Authority

(d) National Highway Agency

114. NIC is the abbreviation of

(a) National Identity Card

(b) New Identity Card

(c) National Initial Card

(d) National Identity Cadre

115. NIPA is the abbreviation of

(a) National Institute of Public Administration 

(b) New Institute of Public Administration

(c) National Institute of Pakistan 

(d) National Institute of Provincial Administration

116. NPT is the abbreviation of

(a) Non-Proliferation Treaty

(b) National Press Trust

(c) Both of them

(d) None of them

117. NRA is the abbreviation of

(a) Nuclear Regulatory Authority

(b) National Regulatory Authority

(c) National Regulatory Agency

(d) National Regional Authority

118. NRB is the abbreviation of

(a) National Rehabilitation Bureau

(b) National Reconstruction Board

(c) National Reconstruction Bureau

(d) None of these

119. NTN is the abbreviation of

(a) New Tax Number

(b) National Tax Number

(c) None Tax Number

(d) National Telephone

120. PCO is the abbreviation of

(a) Provisional Constitutional Order

(b) Public Call Office

(c) Both of these

(d) None of these

121. PCSIR is the abbreviation of -

(a) Punjab Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

(b) Pakistan Council of Scientific and Information Research

(c) Pakistan Court of Scientific and Industrial Research

(d) Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

122. PHA is the abbreviation of-

(a) Pakistan Housing Authority

(b) Parks and Horticulture Authority

(c) Both of them

(d) None of them

123. PINSTECH is the abbreviation of -

(a) Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology

(b) Punjab Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology

(c) Pakistan Institute of National Science and Technology

(d) Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Transport

124. PLC is the abbreviation of-

(a) Peoples Law Commission

(b) Public Law Commission

(c) Pakistan Law Commission

(d) Pakistan Legal Commission

125. PLD is the abbreviation of -

(a) Punjab Legal Decisions

(b) Pakistan Legal Decisions

(c) Public Legal Decisions

(d) Pakistan Local Decisions

126. PLO is the abbreviation of -

(a) Peoples Liberation Organization

(b) Palestine Liberation Organization

(c) Palestine Liberty Organization

(d) Punjab Liberation Organization a

127. PNA is the abbreviation of -

(a) Palestine National Authority

(b) Punjab National Authority

(c) Pakistan National Authority

(d) Palestine National Agency

128. PNRA is the abbreviation of -

(a) Punjab Nuclear Regulatory Authority

(b) Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Agency

(C) Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority

(d) Pakistan Nuclear Record Authority

129. POTA is the abbreviation of-

(a) Prohibition of Terrorist Act

(b) Prevention of Terrorist Act

(c) Prevention of Territorial Act

(d) Prevention of Terrorist Agency

130. PPP is the abbreviation of -

(a) Pakistan Paper Products

(b) Pakistan People's Party

(c) Purchasing Power Parity

(d) All of them

131. PSDP is the abbreviation of

(a) Provincial Sector Development Programme

(b) Public Sector Development Programme

(c) Public State Development Programme

(d) Public Sector Development Planning

132. PST is the abbreviation of -

(a) Pakistan Standard Time

(b) Punjab Standard Time

(c) People Standard Time

(d) Pakistan Standard Trade

133. PTA is the abbreviation of -

(a) Punjab Telecommunication Authority

(b) Public Telecommunication Authority

(c) Pakistan Telecommunication Authority

(d) Pakistan Telecommunication Agency

134. PTBB is the abbreviation of-

(a) Punjab Text Book Board

(b) Partial Test Ban Treaty

(c) Both of these h

(d) None of these

135. PTC is the abbreviation of

(a) Pakistan Television Corporation

(b) Public Television Corporation

(c) Poland Television Corporation

(d) Pakistan Trading Corporation

136. PTDC is the abbreviation of -

(a) Public Tourism Development Corporation

(b) Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation

(c) Punjab Tourism Development Corporation

(d) Pakistan Technical Development Corporation

137. RAB is the abbreviation of

(a) Rawalpindi Accountability Bureau

(b) Regional Account Bureau

(c) Regional Accountability Board

(d) Regional Accountability Bureau

138. RADAR is the abbreviation of -

(a) Rays Detecting and Ranging

(b) Radio Detecting and Ranging

(c) Radio Deceading and Ranging

(d) Radio Detecting and Koanngi 

139. RAW is the abbreviation of -

(a) Research and Analysis Wing

(b) Reorganizations and Analysis Wing

(c) Research and Annihilation Wing

(d) Research and Analysis Workers

140. RPM is the abbreviation of

(a) Repeats Per Minute

(b) Revolutions Per Month

(c) Revolutions Per Minute

(d) Revolutions Per Mile

141. SAARC is the abbreviation of

(a) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

(b) South African Association for Regional Cooperation

(c) South Asian Association for Random Cooperation

(d) South American Association for Regional Cooperation

142. SALT is the abbreviation of

(a) Short Arms Limitation Talks

(b) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

(c) South Asian Liberation Treaty

(d) Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

143. SAP is the abbreviation of

(a) Social Act Programme

(b) Social Action Planning

(c) Social Action Programme

(d) None of these

144. SAPTA is the abbreviation of

(a) Semi Preferential Trading Arrangement

(b) SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement

(c) Southern Preferential Trading Arrangement

(d) SAARC Preferential Trading Association

145. SAT is the abbreviation of

(a) School Assessment Test

(b) Scholastic Assessment Test

(c) Scholastic Assessment Training

(d) Scholastic Admission Test

146. SC is the abbreviation of

(a) Security Council

(b) Supreme Court

(c) Both of them 

(d) None of them

147. SDI is the abbreviation of

(a) Strategic Defence Initiative

(b) Senior Defence Initiative

(c) Strategic District Initiative

(d) Strategic Defence Information

148. SDO is the abbreviation of

(a) Senior Divisional Officer

(b) Sub-District Officer

(c) Sub-Divisional Officer

(d) Sub-Divisional Organization

149. SDR is the abbreviation of

(a) Special Drawing Rights

(b) Special Drastic Rights

(c) Special Drawing Resources

(d) Semi Drawing Rights

150. SEATO is the abbreviation of

(a) South East Asia Trading Organization

(b) South East Asia Trade Organization

(c) South East Asia Treaty Organization

(d) South East Asia Treaty Officer

151. SECP is the abbreviation of

(a) Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan

(b) Stocks and Exchange Commission of Pakistan

(c) Securities and Earning Commission of Pakistan

(d) Securities and Exchange Commission of Punjab

152. SIPRI is the abbreviation of

(a) Socialist International Peace Research Institution

(b) Stockholm International Pilot Research Institution

(c) Stockholm International Peace Research Institution

(d) Stockholm International Peace Research Information

153. SMEDA is the abbreviation of

(a) Small and Medium Size Entities Development Authority

(b) Small and Medium Size Enterprises Development Agency

(c) Small and Medium Size Enterprises Development Authority

(d) Small and Medium Size Enterprises Development Association

154. SSGPL is the abbreviation of

(a) Sui Southern Gas Pipelines Limited

(b) Sub-Southern Gas Pipelines Limited

(c) Sui Southern Gasoline Pipelines Limited

(d) Sui Southern Gas Pipes Limited

155. SUPARCO is the abbreviation of

(a) Southern and Upper Atmosphere Research Committee

(b) Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Communication 

(c) Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Company 

(d) Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Committee

156. SWAPO is the abbreviation of

(a) South West American People Organization

(b) South West Asian People Organization

(c) South West Africa People Organization

(d) South West Africa Public Organization

157. TADA is the abbreviation of

(a) Total and Disruptive Activities Act

(b) Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act

(c) Terrorist and Disputed Activities Act

(d) Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Actions

158. TDCP is the abbreviation of

(a) Tourism Development Cooperation of Pakistan

(b) Trading Development Cooperation of Pakistan

(c) Tourism Development Company of Pakistan

(d) Tourism Development Cooperation of Punjab

159. TOEFL is the abbreviation of

(a) Technical of English as a Foreign Language

(b) Test of English as a Foreign Language

(c) Test of English as a Formal Language

(d) Test of English as a final Language

160. UFO is the abbreviation of

(a) Unions Flying Objects

(b) Unidentified Flying Objects

(c) Unidentified Floating Objects

(d) South East Asia Treaty Officer

161. UGC is the abbreviation of

(a) Unions Grants Commission

(b) Unidentified Grants Commission

(c) University Grants Commission

(d) University Graft Commission

162. UHF is the abbreviation of

(a) Ulfa High Frequency

(b) Ultra High Frequency

(c) Uni High Frequency

(d) Ultra High Fraud

163. UNCTD is the abbreviation of

(a) United Nations Coherence on Trade and Development

(b) United Nations Conference on Tourism and Development

(c) United Nations Conference on Trade and Devaluation

(d) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

164. UNDCP is the abbreviation of

(a) United Nations Development Control Programme

(b) United Nations Drug Control Programme

(c) United Nations Drought Control Programme

(d) United Nations Drug Control Planning

165. UNESCO is the abbreviation of

(a) United Nations Elementary, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(b) United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(c) United Nations Education, Social and Cultural Organization

(d) United Nations Education, Scientific and Crime Organization

166. UNICEF is the abbreviation of

(a) United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

(b) United Nations Internal Children's Emergency Fund

(c) United Nations International Cultural Emergency Fund

(d) United Nations International Children's Emergency Foundation

167. UNIDO is the abbreviation of

(a) United Nations Information Development Organization

(b) United Nations Infrastructure Development Organization

(c) United Nations Industrial Development Organization

(d) United Nations Industrial Development Organization

168. UNIPOM is the abbreviation of

(a) United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission

(b) United Nations Internal-Pakistan Observation Mission

(c) United Nations India-Pakistan Official Mission

(d) United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Memorandum

169. UNO is the abbreviation of

(a) Uni Nations Organization

(b) United National Organization

(c) United Nations Organization

(d) None of them

170. VAT is the abbreviation of 

(a) Video-added Tax

(b) Value-added Tax m

(c) Value-additional Tax

(d) Value-added Transition

171. VCD is the abbreviation of

(a) Vertical Compact Disc

(b) Video Comprehensive Disc

(c) Video Compact Dynamic

(d) Video Compact Disc

172. VOA is the abbreviation of

(a) Values of America 

(b) Voice of Asia

(c) Voice of America 

(d) Voice of Africa

173. WAP is the abbreviation of

(a) Wireless Application Protocol

(b) Whole Application Protocol

(c) Wide Application Protocol

(d) Wireless Application Possibility

174. WAN is the abbreviation of

(a) Whole Area Network

(b) Wide Aerial Network

(c) Wide Area News 

(d) Wide Area Network

175. WAPDA is the abbreviation of

(a) Water and Power Department Authority

(b) Water and Power Development Agency

(c) Water and Power Development Authority

(d) Water and Power Development Association

176. WASA is the abbreviation of

(a) Wireless and Sanitation Agency

(b) Water and Sanitation Agency

(c) Water and Solution Agency

(d) Water and Sanitation Authority

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177. WB is the abbreviation of

(a) Whole Bank

(b) World Black

(c) World Brothers 

(d) World Bank

178. WFP is the abbreviation of

(a) Wide Food Programme

(b) World Frontier Programme

(c) World Food Programme

(d) World Food Planning

179. WHO is the abbreviation of

(a) World Health Organization

(b) Wild Health Organization

(c) Wide Health Organization

(d) World Hearing Organization

180. WIPO is the abbreviation of -

(a) Wide Intellectual Property Organization

(b) World International Property Organization

(c) World Intellectual Property Organization

(d) World Intelrnal Property Organization

181. WMD is the abbreviation of

(a) Weapons of Minimum Destruction

(b) Weapons of Maximum Destruction

(c) Weapons of Mass Death

(d) Weapons of Mass Destruction

182. WTO is the abbreviation of

(a) Whole Trade Organization

(b) World Trade Organization

(c) World Trading Organization

(d) World Trade Official


1.    D    2.     A    3.    D    4.    B 5.    B    
6.    D    7.    A    8.    B    9.    C    10.    A   
11.    A    12.    A    13.    B    14.    B    15.    B
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